10 Factors to Consider When Purchasing a New Garage Door Opener

Most of us don’t likely give our garage door openers a second thought unless they are not working. If you are looking for a new garage door opener or hoping to upgrade the one you have now, there are a few factors to consider.
How Often Should I Have My Garage Door Serviced?

Far too often, we never really think about the condition of our garage door until it’s too late. Keeping it in top working order not only prolongs the life of the door, but it will make your life much easier.
Reasons for a Garage Door Not Opening

If you have a garage door, there is a good chance you have dealt with this problem in the past – your garage door not opening when you activate your garage door opener. While it can be frustrating, there is usually a logical explanation for this problem. Keep reading to learn some of the most […]
Do You Need Regular Kansas City Garage Door Maintenance Checkups?

Kansas City garage door maintenance checkups are an essential part of metro area homeowner maintenance. It ensures the barrier between the inside of your home and the outside world continues to function properly. There is no question that your home’s garage door is an important feature of your home. However, to ensure it remains in […]
10 Things You Can Do Every Day to Make Your Home Safer

Follow these 100 tips to make your home safer in Kansas City. Take in your mail, newspapers, and door-to-door advertising Don’t let your mail sit in your mailbox overnight; pick it up every day. Shred mail with sensitive information, like credit card offers. Also, don’t leave your mail in your car. If you do, it’s […]